SECTION | Item or Ref ID | Value or text |
Taxonomic cascade |
Global taxonomy | |
TAH:U10123 | |
which has no spatial dimension. (Fundational Model of Anatomy) isa
TAH:U10125 | |
which has no definition isa
TAH:U11439 | |
which mainly concerns the lymphatic system [systema lymphaticum ]. isa
TAH:U12361 | |
which represents lymph [lympha ]. isa
TAH:U13856 | nomen lympha |
TAH:E13366 |
The lymphoid word is a lymph word [nomen lympha ] which is an alternative representation of lymph [lympha ].
Partonomic definition list |
TAH:E13856 |
A lymph word is a word of lymphatic system [nomen systematis lymphatici ] which represents lymph [lympha ].
Date: 14.01.2024 |